A lot more detail is coming soon
Self-Mastery, as represented by one of EMMA's 8 Pistons, involves the ability to influence or control one's own system 1, which includes the limbic system, basal ganglia, and gut feelings. Founder Munzer exemplifies self-mastery through his disciplined lifestyle and practices.
Munzer's commitment to self-mastery is evident in his daily routines, which include full 24-hour water fasting for five out of seven days of the week (except when he is traveling). Additionally, he embraces the practice of taking cold showers, even in freezing temperatures during winter, as well as engaging in outdoor Wim Hof method sessions for 30 to 60 minutes walking outdoor in a thin short only - no pant, no shirt, no gloves, no head or ear cap . The Wim Hof method involves breathing exercises and walking in open fields with wind chill factors below zero degrees Fahrenheit. These practices demonstrate his dedication to challenging himself and pushing his physical and mental boundaries.
Moreover, Munzer incorporates meditation into his routine, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness and mental clarity. Even in his 70s, he continues to follow a disciplined diet and exercise regimen, serving as an inspiration for others to adopt similar practices for achieving self-mastery and fulfillment.
Through his own lifestyle choices, Munzer aims to encourage others to pursue self-mastery and experience the full fulfillment that comes from such practices. The dedication to self-discipline, resilience, and personal growth is a fundamental aspect of EMMA's mission to empower individuals to reach their maximum potential across all 8 Pistons of life, including self-mastery.
By sharing his journey and advocating for these practices, Munzer seeks to inspire others to embark on their paths of self-mastery, promoting physical and mental well-being, and ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.
Maria Haque, Director of Operation
Corporate Office:
Contact us at EMMA@EmmaFoundation.net